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Our Pure Team


Our Presenters


We love our team of presenters. Want to know more about the people regularly involved behind the microphone? Just click on their profile picture for more info.

Nathan Thomas


Andy B


Steven D

Nathan, white wall   Andy B, white wall  



Andy Brown



Jo, white wall   Andy Brown, white wall   Peter, white wall

Dan Rous





Dan Rous   No Photo icon    


Our Regular Guests

Extra flavour for the radio bringing a whole host of experience, gifting, skills, perspective and speciality content. We love our regular guests!

Anne Laure Jackson OT


Rev. Andy Godfrey


Dr Richard Scott GP

Anne Laure Jackson   Rev Andy Godfrey   Dr Richard Scott

Pete Baker


Adam Holz


Dan Holland

Pete Baker   Adam Holz   Dan Holland

Our Office Team

Behind anything good is a great team of great people getting the job done. So here's our collection of those great people - who make Pure247Radio what it is.



Operations Manager


Social Media Manager

CEO - Andy B   Operations Manager - Steven D   Social Media Manager - Nathan

Listener Engagement

Listener Engagement - JoJo        

Our Trustees

Our Trustees are the foundation behind which Pure 24/7 Radio is able to safely broadcast. This team of lovely people serve to ensure that monies are spent wisely; ideas are discussed fully and, with such a diverse group of people, it means you can trust all that goes on with all things Pure 24/7 Radio.

Accountability is king, and especially so with anything that seeks to communicate with people all around the world.

We chat most days and at least once a quarter by video. So, meet our lovely Trustees!

Andy Brown


Alan Kearns


Nicola Reeve

Andy brown, square   Alan Kearns, square   Nicola Reeve
Circle image
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Pure 24/7 Radio

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Pure Media the Magazine

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