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Listener Engagement - JoJo


Listener Engagement - JoJo

Have you contacted Pure 24/7 Radio? By Email, Social Media or via the Online Web Form? It's almost certainly Jo who will be the first to read and reply.

Married to Andy B, she has spent 25 years trying to understand what he is trying to say, and with that much experience she's our go-to person to make words make sense.

She has a brilliant way of speaking with people and engages naturally with all who she spends any time with - in a way we all wish we could!

Calculator or Abacus?
Calculator. Colourful and fun and you can't go wrong with this technology.

Windows or Apple computer?
Windows works better for me but all computers & operating systems hate me!

Favourite piece of Software
Microsoft OneNote.

Stand Up or Sit Down Desk
Like the idea of a stand-up desk; tried it and preferred to be sitting down on the job! Maybe I need to give it another go & stand for longer!

Inches or Centimetres
Centimetres. I am far too young to understand inches - I'll keep telling myself this!
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