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Social Media Manager - Nathan Thomas


Social Media Manager - Nathan

If you're reading this, then you can thank Nathan for making it possible. He creates all the lovely graphics you see from logos to flyers, from Facebook images to photos like the one of him above!

He also maintains the website to ensure information is up to date.

He is a keen photographer and has a very keen eye for detail and his creativity is always humbling to see and a wonderful addition to the Pure 24/7 Radio team.

Calculator or Abacus?
Calculator. It saves so much time and effort.

Windows or Apple computer?
If it can process my photos and videos smoothly and quickly, I don't really mind.

Favourite piece of Software
DaVinci Resolve. There are so many cool things you can do with videos. I could spend hours just experimenting with the FX.

Stand Up or Sit Down desk
I like standing up; it keeps you active and gives you freedom to move around.

Inches or Centimetres
Centimetres, without a doubt. There is a uniformity and simplicity in the metric system that I enjoy.

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