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Featured Images, FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions


Got some questions you want to ask? Try here first.


1. Why do you play music from artists who are Christian and artists who are not?

2. Is there a catch up facility/service?

3. How are you funded?

4. Do you have the rights to play music online?

5. Do you have Trustees?

6. Where are you based?

7. Can I visit the studio?


8. Can I advertise on Pure 24/7 Radio?

9. Where do you get your music from?


10. How do get my Amazon echo to play Pure 24/7 Radio?


11. Is your app really free?


12. How can I listen to you in my car?


13. What was the name of that song or artist I just heard?

1. Why do you play music from artists who are Christian and artists who are not?

Music moves us doesn't it? It can move us good or it can move us bad - especially if you're a dodgy dancing dad at a wedding; we love music from a huge variety of artists and styles and so our music catalogue reflects that. And, since we can't see into people's hearts, we keep the main thing the main thing.

We've set some super simple guidelines for any of the music you'll here on Pure 24/7 Radio, and you can find out what makes the cut - and who make the final decision - on our dedicated page "Our Music". (we'll give you a's the Station Manager and CEO...)  

2. Is there a catch up facility/service?

In short, yes and no!

You can listen again to all of our interviews which we record for the radio, and then publish on YouTube and our Podcast Channels. They appear, first, on our Catch Up page so you can listen as many time as you wish.

What no Radio Station in the UK can do, however, is obtain a licence so you can simply listen again to a whole radio show via a catch up service, if that show has any music in it.

While it is hypothetically possible, it is prohibitively implausible as you would need to get permission from all the copyright holders for any songs that might appear during that show. This can be anything up to 5 individuals, per version of a song, and with several thousands songs on a radio station, you can see why is not a sensible use of time.

3. How are you funded?

Put simply, we're funded by money coming in to pay for stuff from listeners, advertisers and sponsors!

We like to operate in a way that puts what we do ahead of who does it. In other words, we pay for what we need to in order to make this a great tool for you - whether you're part of a church or just love to listen to great tunes!

We do have bills to pay as there are things we must pay for, things we need to pay for, things we want to pay for, and things we'd like to pay for. You can find out more about our costs here.  

4. Do you have the rights to play music online?

Absolutely! We have two separate licences that ensure musicians and artists are rewarded for their hard work - from the music we play, and enjoy, here at Pure 24/7 Radio.

5. Do you have Trustees?

You can't get far without a good group of people to help you and our Trustees are exactly that! They help us keep steering as we should and ensure we're doing things the right way. We hold daily chats with some, and video chats as a group at least once a quarter.

They're a silent, but invaluable, element of any Ministry that wants to serve others. Find our more about who they are on their very own page!

6. Where are you based?

We're based in the UK, but we aren't limited by geography. We have partners, supporters, listeners and presenters all around the world.

7. Can I visit the studio?

The short answer is, simply, no. We're an Online Radio Station and our presenters broadcast from where they live. Although there is no studio to visit, we would love to meet you at a festival!

8. Can I advertise on Pure 24/7

You're very welcome to Get In Touch about advertising on Pure 24/7 Radio.

We're pretty unique in our approach with advertising and, as such, you'll need to get in touch for details.

All adverts will need to fit within our overall mission and you can find out more on our dedicated page. Find out more on our dedicated page for Advertising.

9. Where do you get your music from?

We do things above board here, and our use of music is no different. While it'd be easy to grab music from just about anywhere, we prefer to purchase CDs - who doesn't love holding the music - literally - in your hands! We'll buy MP3 downloads sometimes too.

Yes, we could use Spotify or YouTube, or any of many other sources, but grabbing music from those places - to use on the radio - is simply not right, for so many reasons! Did you know, for example, that Spotify is for personal use only and therefore clearly not suitable for commercial use?  

10. why am I having trouble getting my Amazon echo to play Pure 24/7 Radio when I say “launch Pure 2–4–7 radio “?

There are a number of radio stations with the word Pure in their title. Sometimes the Amazon echo gets confused about which station you are looking for. To help with this, when you first use the skill you must enable it in your Amazon Alexa app. Go to the app and open the skills section. Search for Pure two four seven radio. Enable the skill and try launching it from the app. This should resolve the issue and you will be able to listen to Pure 24/7 Radio by simply asking your smart speaker to launch Pure 2–4 –7 Radio

11. Is your app really free?

Absolutely. Our app has been designed to be super simple and it won't cost you to download it. You can download from either the Apple Store or Google Store, depending on you device.

Added bonus? You can message the studio from the app - just hit the "Message" button and we'll get your message straight into the studio.

12. How can I listen to Pure247Radio in my vehicle?

If you can listen to us via your phone or tablet, you can easily enjoy us in your vehicle too - perfect for your daily commute, shopping trip, or road trip! There are a few options for this depending upon your vehicle and your mobile device. For example:
  1. Connect your mobile device to the Bluetooth system in your vehicle.
  2. Connect your mobile device to a separate Bluetooth speaker in your vehicle.
  3. Plug in your mobile device to the Aux. socket for the stereo in your vehicle (and select the Aux. channel on your vehicle stereo)

13. What was the name of that song or artist I just heard?

I'm always happiest when I can know the name of the artist or track I just heard on a radio. Thankfully there is a super easy way of finding out in case you miss it while listening to us (or in case we forget to mention it.

On the Pure 247 Radio App, simply select the "Recent" tab (located at the bottom of the App) and it will display our recently played music. The same information is available if you make use of the Radio Player on the Home Page of our website.
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