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About Us

Our vision is to grow, and develop, a thriving Online 24/7 Radio Station and Compassionate Global Family, which exists to build up, entertain, and encourage people, wherever they are in the world: For Free, For all – with music that is free of bad language and does not promote anything illegal or immoral.

Want to know more about Pure 24/7 Radio? What makes it tick? What makes it function? Read on!

We all believe in something, and so we've come up with the heart of what makes Pure 24/7 Radio come alive. And making that happen is our gifted office team. From emails to licences, from websites to social media and graphics, find out more about the team.

Our Music is always going to be core to everything we broadcast around the globe, and broadcasting costs money: we've outlined what those costs are because we believe in righteous, wisdom-rich transparency.

If a village makes a person, then our Pure Team shows you who is who, and what they do. Everything from our Trustees and Regular Guests to our Presenters and Office Team.

We literally wouldn't be on air without them!
F4 Our Beliefs   F8 Our Costs

Our Beliefs


Our Costs


Our Music


Our Pure Team

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Part of


Year One Fun Facts

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Pure 24/7 Radio

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Pure Media the Magazine

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