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Year One Fun Facts

Pure247Radio started broadcasting at 12pm 1st September 2023. We've compiled some fun facts from our first year of broadcasting.

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  • 8,784 hours of broadcasting (it was a leap year!)
  • 366 days of broadcasting
  • 181 Interviews
  • 14 x original shows each week
  • 69 x hours of original broadcasting each week
  • 7 x regular presenters:
    - Andy B
    - Andy Brown
    - JoJo
    - Manny Delgado
    - Nathan Thomas
    - Peter
    - Steven D
  • Broadcasting to up to 1,000 people each month
  • Broadcasting to 54 countries including Argentina, Australia,  Belgian, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, India, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, US, UK, South Africa…and more!
  • Travel
    - 4,655 miles covered (by car)
    - 7 cars
    - 4 trains
    - 4 tube trains
    - 1 flight
    - 1 ferry
    - 1 taxi
    - 6 bus journeys 
  • 10 x regular guests/voices:
    - Andy Godfrey (movies)
    - Pete & Bryony Baker (Breakfast Bites)
    - Rev Gareth Higgs (Breakfast Bites)
    - Anne Laure Jackson (Sensory Health)
    - Dr Richard Scott GP (Medical health)
  • Podcasts provided for our use:
    -  Gordon T (Hope FM, The Artist Interview podcast)
    - Steve Legg (Backstory Podcast)
    - Canon J.John (Today with J.John podcast)
    - Paul Clayton Gibbs (Livewire)
  • 8 festivals/conferences
    - Redeeming Our Communities (ROC) annual conference
    - Christian Resources Exhibition
    - Saltmine Celebration
    - Big Church Festival (with Barnabas Aid)
    - TEACH Camp (Christian Education Europe)
    - The Gathering (Christian Vision for Men)
    - Living & Telling (Agapé UK
    - Teen Street (Operation Mobilisation)
  • 1 TV Interview (Andy B on Revelation TV) and 1 Live Radio interview (Andy B on UCB 2)
  • 27 x partners/organisations we’ve worked with:
    - Agapé UK / Living & Telling
    - Andy Godfrey
    - Anne Laure Jackson / Santé
    - Barnabas Aid
    - Broadcast Radio
    - Canon J.John / Philo Trust
    - Christian Education Europe
    - Christian Vision for Men / The Gathering
    - Devotional Treasures
    - Dr. Richard Scott GP
    - EagleSight
    - Hope FM
    - Kingdom Print
    - Life Church Lancashire
    - Operation Mobilisation / Teen Street
    - Our Atlantic Roots
    - Pais Movement / Paul Clayton Gibbs
    - Plymouth Methodist Central Hall
    - Redeeming Our Communities
    - Sorted Men’s Magazine
    - Steve Legg
    - The Maven Club
    - The Media Site 

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